When Religion and God Didn’t Mix

ca. 760 BC

The people of Israel could be religious, but it turned out that their religion didn’t have much to do with God.

The prophet, Amos, told the people what God was seeing in Israel; a religion of personal preferences and empty ritual, lacking love and justice. Amos warned them that they were headed away from God, toward ruin.

Please read Amos 5:18-27. Online access: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=amos+5%3A18-27&version=NIV


  1. Paul Vorderbruggen

    Hey Dave, this really hit me today. thanks for the reminder, our religion looks pretty silly without God.

    • Dave

      Thanks for your thought, Paul.

      It’s kind of odd that religion would endure once faithfulness to God was gone.

      You mentioned “our” religion. The same strange thing probably still happens today — religiousness without faithfulness to God.

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