Life with a Promiscuous Wife: A Message from God

ca. 740 BC

I suppose Old Testament prophets could be loud. They probably yelled sometimes. But, it looks like, in some cases, they delivered their messages most forcefully without words.

            When the Lord began to speak through Hosea, the Lord said to him, “Go marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her, for like an adulterous wife this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the Lord.”

Close your eyes for a few moments and, in your mind’s eye, see this relationship that Hosea was beginning. . . .

Soon, his wife became openly unfaithful to him. She went to other men.

She left Hosea.

Israel watched this message from God.

Then, when the time came for words, Hosea spoke God’s message clearly:

            “There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgement of God in the land.”

Thankfully, unfaithfulness is not the last word in this story, and it’s not the last word in The Big Story. Some time later. . . . The Lord said to [Hosea], “Go show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the Lord loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods. . . .”

Faithfulness is the last word in this story.

Please read Hosea 3:1-5. Online access:

For a powerful, contemporary telling of Hosea’s story, watch “The Hosea Love Story” at


    • Dave

      Hosea seemed to be living in a bull’s-eye. Think of the pain and conflict when unfaithfulness gets revealed in a home. Hosea lived right in the middle of that. I would think that there also was pain and conflict in the country as God revealed Israel’s unfaithfulness. Hosea lived right in the middle of that too.

  1. lettersfromawhoremongerswife

    I forgave over and over…and my Christian husband had more affairs…over and over. The more I forgave, the more he cheated. God finally released me from the marriage after 24 long years. But not until I understood the pain my husband had caused our children. Not until I understood his full depravity. Below is a [link to a] letter my son addressed to Fathers and posted on Facebook three years ago, after catching his dad in another adulterous affair. I have included the letter in my book, Letters From A Whoremonger’s Wife.

    I believe in forgiveness and I have experienced God’s Grace many times. But sometimes he says, “Enough”.

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